Move It: Treadmill Training


That’s the first word my body screams when I think about treadmill training. Since it’s minus 30 in Toronto right now, 2 of my 3 runs this week have been on the treadmill (and the last one is TBD).

I imagine there’s a few more of you spinning your wheels right now, so here’s my favourite interval workout to keep you entertained:

5 minute warm up (no, this isn’t your slow jog… pop over to Jessie Mundell’s blog to learn about a good warm up).

2min sprint/2min recover

4min speed/2min recover

6min speed/2min recover

6min speed/2min recover

4min speed/2min recover

2min speed/2min recover, light jog and stretch to cool down.

Workout time: 36mins (with warmup and cool down, should take you about 45-60mins)

Don’t forget to set your treadmill at a slight incline, as most are calibrated to simulate a slight downhill.
Follow your workout with a good protein source to boost your recovery.

Do you have a favourite treadmill workout? Tell me about it in the comments below.


Meet Dr. Briana Botsford

Dr. Briana Botsford is a Naturopathic Doctor based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada who focuses on women’s health and athletic performance medicine. She works diligently at finding the root cause of a patient's symptoms through an extensive health history analysis before proceeding with any therapy or recommendations. Dr. Botsford works closely with all individuals to help them make small changes in their routine to achieve big improvements in their physical and mental health. 


Mastering Mindfulness in Athletic Training


Golden Stars and Glowing Goals for 2014