Healthy Holidays

You've been working hard on your health goals all year, why stop now? The holiday season is in full-swing, bringing Christmas parties, food, booze, late nights and stressful days. Your goals DO NOT have to be pushed aside during all the fun of this festive time of year. Here are 4 tips to help you to stay on track while still having fun this holiday season.

1) Exercise - Whether you're working with me or on your own, make a commitment to the gym at least 2-3 times weekly for a strength and/or interval training session to maintain your fitness level through the holidays. You'll also feel your energy levels soar after a good workout, allowing you to keep up with all the holiday cheer!

2) Eat Mindfully - When out at an office party or dinner with friends, see if you can choose one food or drink that you wouldn't normally have on your healthy-living plan. If fat loss is your goal, this generally means you'll choose either a starch (like mashed potatoes), booze (like mulled wine), or dessert (like a gingerbread cookie). There's ZERO shame or guilt in indulging in some less healthful foods over the holiday - just keep your indulgences in reasonable amounts.

3) Recover - This means drinking LOTS of water and getting adequate rest. First thing upon rising, that's right, before your morning coffee, drink a tall glass of water. This is a great way to support the body's primary natural detoxification pathways - the bowels and urinary tract. Include lots of fiber in your diet, including ground flaxseeds, chia seeds and lots of fruits and vegetables.

4) Look out for #1 - Take some time for yourself! Set your alarm 15mins earlier and get up to do some stretching. Dust off your journal and spend 10mins writing down your thoughts. Tune in to how you're handling this busy time of year, and allow yourself the space you need to relax. It's OK to say 'no' to invitations galore and spend a night in.

If you're big into celebrating, remind yourself that simply maintaining your current fitness level may be a bit challenging this time of year. Take the time to PLAN your actions so that you can continue to be active and not regress over the month of December. You'll be ready to continue your progress in January if you can stay focused on maintenance for December.

I sincerely hope you have a healthy and happy holiday season! Please share more of YOUR healthy holiday tips in the comments!


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